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March 16, 2011

Rockin my Red Shoes

Connor got some new red shoes last weekend.  He thinks he is something else when he has big boy shoes on.  Now that he's a walker and all (well sometimes).  I just wanted to snap a few photos for memories because he was looking so cute in his new shoes :)

Swing Momma?

Up Up Up

So sweet...I never want to forget him at this age. 
I love you sweet boy, even if you have been totally out of it because of the time change this week.  He's not been wanting to go to sleep at night and when I wake him up in the mornings he is like a floppy bunny because he DOES not want to wake up.  Which makes Terence & I SO.TIRED.
Last night we visited Terence's Granddaddy in the hospital.  He's having another surgery on his head this week.  If you would keep our sweet Grandaddy in your prayers we would really appreciate it.  We love you Granddaddy!!!


Ashlee said...

I love that your Grandaddy is looking at the iPhone...priceless! Hope his surgery goes well.

And the shoes are too cute!

Angie said...

i love that you said floppy bunny...what a cute way to think of it! he is adorable.

saying prayers for your family!

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

aww, so cute! praying for your Granddaddy right now!

Kimberley said...

his shoes are adorable and even more on him!
i hope granddaddy has a complete recover!

Tina @ Girl Meets Globe said...

Love the shoes!! And prayers for your grandaddy!

Erin said...

I think he should always wear that color of shirt his eyes look stunning. Love the read shoes. hope your grand dad gets better soon!

Kristen and Andy said...

Love his new shoes!! So cute! I was just saying last week I guess I need to get out and get Cannon his first official pair of shoes...can't believe how big these boys are getting!!! Sloooowwww down!!!!

Praying for your Grandaddy....

Warf pary of 3 said...

LOVE the new red shoes, so cute for summer

mstalcup said...

Love the red shoes... so cute!
