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April 17, 2012

Some Randomness about ME.

I received this award from Melissa over at Bless this Nest
Its the Versatile Blogger Award!

7 Random Facts about me:

1. I love to shop on Ebay.  I am always looking for a good bargain.  If I see something in the store I'll immediately look for it on sale online.
2. I hate it when people smack food or breathe too loud.  I know. Freakishly stupid and probably things people can't help.  I annoy my twin sister when I crunch ice.  Sometimes I do it just BECAUSE!!! Har har har!!!

3. I often imagine what it would be like to have a little girl...and lately that thought has been popping up more in my mind.  Although I would love to give Connor a sibling (boy or girl) the time just isn't right yet.  I want to give Connor a great quality of life and in order to do that we have to plan accordingly.  We are big PLANNERS can you tell?  We like to be prepared.

4. We've been looking at buying a bigger house with a separate office and extra bedroom.  But I don't know if I want to take that step or if it's worth it.  I don't want to be house poor. We do, however, need to decorate and finally make the home we DO have a "home" and I think we will be just fine :-)

Decorating tips and advice welcome!!!

5. Several people have asked before what my drink of choice is at Starbucks - it's an iced caramel macchiatto.  By the way Dr. Oz recommends you drink 3 cups of coffee a day and it does wonders to prevent cancer! *wink* *wink*  Just don't add whole milk, sugar, and all that's naughty.
6. I cannot stop thinking about when our next trip will be.  Will it be here in the US or overseas again?  I think I have officially caught the travel bug.

7. I am on meds for anxiety.  I often feel like I can never keep up and it overwhelms me.  I love blogging, but sometimes I just feel so stupefied by everything & start comparing and that is the LAST thing I need in my life.  So I blog for me, myself, and my family.  I love reading all your blogs...when I have a chance to catch up!  My blog friends and readers mean so much to me and I love hearing all your voices every day!  OCD issues.....I got em!

I would like to nominate these wonderful blogs for this award:

I don't know who to nominate-I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

Whoever wants to join in on the fun just go for it :-)  I love to read about your randomness!

The rules for this award are as followed:
Nominate 15 Fellow Bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award

Add an image of the Versatile Blogger Award

Thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link to their site.

Share 7 completely random facts about yourself.

Include this set of rules.

Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination.

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TexasBobbi said...

Girl I am having the same problem with feelin overwhelmed. I hope it gets better soon.

Aishlea said...

Loved reading your randoms! :)

Anonymous said...

Emailing you soon! We're very similar!

Anonymous said...

Wait, I don't have your email!

bella said...

Love your honesty in this post! Your son is so cute that I'm sure at some point you will want another child. Children are the ultimate blessing!!! P.S. I'm a total eBay junkie too.

LWLH said...

I always get confused by EBay when I have to bid on stuff and then I forget, it scares me.

Debbie said...

love this! I also am OCD about certain things and definitely get anxiety about certain issues. my mind never stops running.

meanwhile, I haven't been to your blog in forever and had to let you know how stinkin' CUTE your new hair is!!!!! i really love it!! so pretty and flattering! :)
