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September 9, 2010

What a Day!

It has been QUITE a day in the Branch fam! Terence took Connor to his 6 month doctor appointment this morning and everything went well, but Terence called me at work and said they wanted to do some x-rays on his head. They were concerned about how his skull was growing together, so the Doctor just wanted to double check. It scared me to death so I left work and met Terence up at Cook Children's. Connor did NOT like laying on that cold table, especially after just having five shots! I was so glad I was there to comfort him though. He's been really snugly and clingy lately :) The hospital called before I even got back to work and said everything looked NORMAL!!! Praise the Lord! It's just been a crazy day and poor thing is running a 101.7 degree fever tonight. So glad tomorrow is Friday!
Bottle always makes it better!
Waiting at the Doctor's office
I love my Daddy!
Poor little guy had been crying non-stop!
You may have also heard about all the nasty weather DFW has been getting. We had some severe thunder storms and even some tornadoes yesterday! This is the scene on my way home yesterday.......
The whole street was flooded
Stuff from across the street
Did someone put a lake in the neighborhood while I was gone???
re-routing us all home :)
It was all cleaned up by this morning and I was able to get home in the normal fashion today!
I guess when it rains it pours sometimes.....literally.....


The Smiths said...

So thankful your house is ok and not flooded. What a mess!
And I think your sweet one's head is just perfect. The doctors are probably not used to see a kid his age with such a big, smart brain;)
Happy Friday!

Kristen and Andy said...

Wow - what a crazy couple of days you have had! Poor Connor and the shots....I hate seeing my babies cry from them - breaks my heart! Hope he feels better soon - Cannon had a fever that high too after his 4 month appt - not a happy camper. Glad to hear that the xrays came back ok - so scary!

And wow - that is insane about the flooding outside your neighborhood! Hopefully it didn't do any damage to your home. Everytime we have a good rain in Houston, the streets are always under water - makes driving a challenge for sure!

Linds said...

you poor thing-- that would have scared me to death too! I hate it when they try to make things like that seem like no big deal... it IS a big deal to a momma! So glad Connor is ok and that you're at home resting. Give him lots of hugs for those post-shot fevers :(

Amber said...

Poor baby! Glad everything is okay! Hope he's feeling back to himself tomorrow! : )

Tristan said...

poor sweet boy :(

I'm glad everything has worked out okay! Hope is fever goes away!

Angie said...

The rain and tornadoes are wild...I can't believe how crazy it got around here.

I was so worried for you when you tweeted about Connors head x-ray. I am glad all is well.

Hayden always gets fever after shots, thank goodness he doesn't get anymore until he is 4! Yippee!

I hope he is feeling back to normal tomorrow.

Hugs :))

In This Wonderful Life said...

poor little guy! glad everything is okay.

he looks SO much like his daddy!

that weather damage is INSANE!

One Day said...

Poor lil guy!

Anonymous said...

The weather we have had the past few days has been insane!! That's crazy how flooded your neighborhood was. Thank goodness your house didn't flood like all of those people in Arlington.

I'm so glad everything is alright with your baby boy! I can't imagine how scary that must have been.

Have a great weekend!

Jordan said...

Poor little guy :-( I hope he's feeling better today! Try to stay dry, will ya? ;-)

Classy Fab Sarah said...

Wow, talk about crazy weather!

Hope the little guy is feeling better asap!

Anonymous said...

Love the new blog look.

Wow, you had a rough day! So GLAD everything turned out well though!

I love the glasses - you look so stinkin cute!

Tiffany Norris said...

Wow--yikes! Glad you are all OK!

LWLH said...

Hope little man feels better and thank goodness your house is ok.

B said...

hello fellow Texan! I'm in Austin, but we got poured on also! So glad you didn't have any flooding in your home :)

Connor's 6 month pics are beautiful - what gorgeous eyes!

B said...

hello fellow Texan! I'm in Austin, but we got poured on also! So glad you didn't have any flooding in your home :)

Connor's 6 month pics are beautiful - what gorgeous eyes!

Tristan said...

poor sweet boy :(

I'm glad everything has worked out okay! Hope is fever goes away!

Kristen and Andy said...

Wow - what a crazy couple of days you have had! Poor Connor and the shots....I hate seeing my babies cry from them - breaks my heart! Hope he feels better soon - Cannon had a fever that high too after his 4 month appt - not a happy camper. Glad to hear that the xrays came back ok - so scary!

And wow - that is insane about the flooding outside your neighborhood! Hopefully it didn't do any damage to your home. Everytime we have a good rain in Houston, the streets are always under water - makes driving a challenge for sure!

The Smiths said...

So thankful your house is ok and not flooded. What a mess!
And I think your sweet one's head is just perfect. The doctors are probably not used to see a kid his age with such a big, smart brain;)
Happy Friday!
