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June 1, 2011

My 30th Birthday

I had a great 30th birthday at home in Arkansas with friends and family.  The only thing missing was my twinkie...oh how I missed her so much!  Mom and Dad always make me feel so special and loved.  My Nannie, Aunt Karli, and cousin Lindsey came over to celebrate too.  I have the best family!!!  Thank you so much for making my birthday extra special :)
Me & my boys
Yummy chocolate cake with chocolate ganache frosting...sooo good!
All the gals
We all went shopping and got pedicures.  I don't think I've had a pedicure since the day I found out I was pregnant with Connor...I needed it bad and it felt so good!
Blowing out the big 3-0!!!
We had lunch at Cracker Barrel.  Connor tore up some mac n cheese!
Skyping with Bonnie and Jarrett
I felt so guilty eating that chocolate cake without my sidder there :(
Aunt Karli doing her signature pose ;)
Getting some sugars from Nannie
Daddy wearing his favorite shirt
"Daddy - Bonnie & Becky"
We had lots of fun and Nana & Poppy spoiled Connor rotten!
We played in the "Elmo" pool and with Lego's.  Connor overdosed on alfredo sauce at the Olive Garden.  Terence and I got to see TWO movies in the theater this weekend!  AND-take a few naps!!!
I love my Nana

Thank you Mom, Dad, Nannie, Aunt Karli, and Lindsey for making my 30th such a special day!

I love you all dearly and you mean the world to me!!!

Love, Becky

I love you sidder.....

 We may not always be together in person, but you are always in my heart :)


Classy Fab Sarah said...

Looks like you had a pretty amazing birthday!! That cake looks A-mazing. I'm jealous.

Emily said...

What fun! Happy 30th!!

Anonymous said...

looks like such a fun birthday!!!

wish bonnie could have been there with you!


dave and jenn said...

Yay, Happy Birthday! Enjoy 30!!

Kimberley said...

that cake looks delish!!! i love the old pictures, so happy to see that your mom got you both your own cake!

Melissa said...

So glad you had an awesome birthday!

Lauren said...

Hi! Testing, testing.....1......2.......3 :)

LWLH said...

Yumm your cake looks delish!
Happy Birthday to you and Bonnie!

Jennifer Owens said...

Happy 30th! There's no better birthday cake than a chocolate cake with ganache frosting. (o: Yummy!

MrsV said...

So glad you had a great (safe) trip! Happy Birthday! I'm right behind ya, my 30th is in August! Eek!

Jamie @ The Yellow Brick Road

Kate Clower said...

Happy 30th!

That cake looks delish...and I bet it was!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Debbie said...

happy 30th birthday!!! :)
