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May 2, 2011

Dallas Blog Meetup Re-Cap

I had a great time at the Dallas Blogger Meetup this past Saturday.  I met some great gals "in real life" and they were just as wonderful in person!  I hung out with Whitney (our chauffeur), Niki (our co-pilot), and Leah (My "OMG Whitney don't crash!" partner in the back seat).  I'm not familiar with Dallas even though I live here....and Whitney did a great job getting us around.

They drove here Friday from Arkansas and they gave me 1001 reasons why I needed to move back home...ha...ha....I totally agree!  I would move in a heart beat if I could :)
 Here are Niki & I at Bread Winners Cafe in Dallas
 Leah & Whitney
 Whitney & I taking a picture of each other taking a picture....
 The whole gang above...
I feel like a barely spoke to a lot of the other girls there and I tried to introduce myself???
It was hard to talk to everyone and I just felt out of the loop a bit, I felt a little awkward at times, maybe next time we have a meetup it will be a little easier....I guess you never know how it's going to go when you meet people in person!  The food was great though!
 Our next stop was SPRINKLES :)
You all know I happily obliged that! 
I love me some Sprinkles and I was nice and brought Terence home a peanut butter cupcake. 
Ignore those two skinny girls behind me....I mean do they even eat cupcakes? For Realz.
 ♥ Whitney and her Sprinkles ♥
♥  Niki and her Sprinkles ♥
 I love this kid table and chairs.  They should sell it!
 Next stop was North Park Mall.  Niki and I are obsessed with paper stores.  They have the coolest cards, paper, and doo-dads.  I am also in ♥ with Niki's camera bag....maybe someday I can get a Kelly Moore bag for myself.  Considering I just dropped my new camera and broke my lens filter I think it would be a good idea.  I love these bags because they are so stylish and look like a fashionable purse, but it's a camera bag!

We drove out to Plano to run some errands.  I saw these fabulous lamps at Design Within Reach.  They were so cool and modern!  I even saw a chandelier similar to the one Summer loves.  We were testing out some desk chairs because Terence has started to work from home full time now.  Our desk chairs are very uncomfortable, so hopefully he'll find something suitable soon!
While I was out on Saturday Terence took Connor to get a hair cut (above left) and to Chick-fil-a.  I'm glad they had some good Father/Son bonding time.  Everyone thinks they look just alike.....he's my kid too yo!  We also made another trip to Breadwinners Cafe (the one in Plano) for brunch again on Sunday. I was craving those pancakes & Connor and Terence got to enjoy it with me this time!

I have decided that when I get home from work it's going to be family time and not computer/phone time.  Honestly- I've been neglecting spending time with my family and doing the things that matter most to me in order to catch up on blogs or check Facebook/Twitter statuses....and that ain't right ya'll!  When I get home from work I should not walk in and get on the computer right away, and there is no reason I need to check my phone 100 times day while I'm in the car, at work, or sitting there watching TV.  It's not the person I want to become....I want to TALK and not text, if someone really wants to reach me or talk to me they know where to find me.  I have found myself lately ignoring those who matter most.  Terence and I will be in the car and he'll be carrying on a conversation and I won't hear an actual word he says!  He shouldn't have to compete for my attention with my phone and the I will keep my blog,Twitter, long as it doesn't interfere with my family life.  They are what is important to me and every now and then I need to be reminded of that and realize that even in this digital world we are living "real" life is what matters most.

xoxo Becky


Leah said...

LOVED the names you gave us all. Bahaha! Glad you had fun, and I was so glad I got to meet you! I'm so with you on the social media thing. I sometimes have to step back and realize what is really important.

The Anglin Family said...

Um, jealous! come back to Arkansas and have a Arkansas blog meet up:)
Those chicas look like they went for a run and they probably just split a cupcake, haha.
I just to be seriously addicted to my phone. I put it down when the kiddos come home and then I play when they go to bed. :))

Summer Athena said...

looks like a great time! THAT IS THE LAMP! lol.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun time! I think those girls workout really hard to be able to eat cupcakes!!! Bummer for the awkward moments though! I enjoyed meeting you when we met up!

Anonymous said...

How fun Becky. I'm glad you had some good girl time. I'm totally with you on the tech stuff. I'm trying not to use much before Asher goes to bed, so I can focus on him.

Erin said...

Your meet up looks like it was super fun and totally delicious! I almost moved to Dallas about 7 years ago, it's a shame I didn't because then we could be friends IRL AND go to Sprinkles together! We don't have anything like that around here *insert sad face* I totally understand what you are saying about the digital world interfering with your real life. It's hard to find the proper balance but I think it's great that you are working on this, I need some of your discipline :) Hope you have a wonderful day!


Jordan said...

Looks like you all had fun! I agree with you about the internet/phone issue. I'm actually thinking about de-activating my FB account. Too much drama and fakeness!

LWLH said...

Love blogger meetups...I should get together some PA gals.
