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April 14, 2011

Sunshiney Day

I got home from work yesterday and we didn't want to go to the grocery store, seriously we have no food in our cabinets.  We went to Red, Hot, & Blue because I had a buy one meal get one free coupon (score!)  So we used that and ate up some BBQ!  On our way home we drove through Braums and got some ice cream.  We were pulling in and saw this truck with about 1400 post-its on it!!! Ha..ha..ha...I would have been so mad if this was my car!  Someone got punked on their birthday....poor dude!  It was pretty funny though!
 Eating my chocolate double dipper
Perfect summer day....eating ice cream with the windows rolled down....ahhhh!!!
 Connor is tearing up some biscuits, mashed potatoes, and BBQ chicken
And he is FINALLY drinking out of a sippy!  It's the ones with straws in them :) 
We still have a bottle, but are slowly graduating to the sippy permanently.
I'll be so glad to get those bottle racks off the counter and it will free up so much space!

Tomorrow's Friday ya'll!!!

Whoopidy Doo ;)


LWLH said...

It's been getting nicer out here too! : ) I can't wait to get my hands on the ice cream truck and some ice cream

Clementsville: Population of 5! said...

That ice cream looked yummy and Connor looks so cute eating up his food, sippy cups are so much easier, but make your baby look like a big boy :(

Amber Maddux said...

I love the post it idea - perfect prank for my little brother who is 18!!!!!

Ashlee said...

My cousin is friends with Post-it note kid! Haha! He still had them on at school today!

Lindsey said...

Yay for the sippy! I can't wait to clear the cabinets of bottles.

Jenna said...

That truck is hilarious! Filing that away for Chris' birthday...hehehe.

Tristan said... funny is that!

i'm having a hard time taking the bottle away from my baby..haha..i don't wana!!

Unknown said...

Too funny!

Yay for Connor and the sippy cup. I can't wait to have my counters back either!

Linds said...

I felt like when Brayden hit 1 year that our home gained SO much room because all of the baby stuff (bottle racks, bouncy seats, pack and plays, etc) were able to go up in the attic finally! So happy for you to be getting to that stage (although I can't tell you that you won't miss it.)
