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March 4, 2009


Well, just wanted to update everyone on our current status as far as where we will be in the coming months. I don't think the law school plan is going to work out (which I am kind of happy about) the idea of 4 more years until Terence would finish school makes me nauseous a little bit.

We are both looking for T jobs around the DFW area in the mean time, only right now is NOT a good time to be job hunting! I wanted to ask if you all would pray for us that God will provide...I worry a lot about what's going to happen...if you haven't noticed that yet! I have faith the Lord will provide and I know everything will fall into place.

Also, there has been talk of Terence re-enlisting in the military as an officer. He would only have to put in 15 more years and be able to retire with all the benefits. So I think we are going to think about that option too. I liked military life, the only part I didn't care for was when Terence was away from me, other than that the free health benefits and the pay are great!

Terence is in the middle of finals/mid-terms this week so it's been pretty stressful and I have been de-stressing at the gym with Julie. (Despite all the chocolaty food posts lately-I STILL am going to the gym about 4 times a week ya'll!) So whatever!!! I want instant results, but I know it will take awhile to see them. The point is I am starting to feel better and have more energy and get into "baby" shape!

Well-Happy "hump" day everyone! I am going to sit here and finish my Starbucks and I hope you all have a great Wednesday!

XOXO - Becky


Anonymous said...

What's a T job?

I'll be praying for ya - God will give ya'll answers! The officer thing sounds good - but I'm with you - I couldn't stand my husband being away from me!

Summer Athena said...

i am praying, my dear triplet! i really do think the officer idea sounds like a winner. i just want him to stay WITH you.

Glitter & Bliss said...

I know your path, whatever you decide, will be the perfect one. You have each other...that is really all that matters. Hugs... By the way... I am still getting tons of feedback on your owl necklace. It is by far everyone's favorite. Wow!!!

Leslee said...

I feel ya on the stress. If you havent read my blog yet you'll understand once you read it. This economy is horrible & our plans are changing too. I'll keep you in my prayers!! - Les

Mrs. Classic said...

I will be praying for you. I bet that you feel better though knowing a little more direction even though it isn't a ton. YOu are amazing and deserve the best!

The Davidsons said...

praying for y'all! You are so right, God IS in control!

Jacquie said...

I'll be praying God will reveal His plan for y'all real soon!!!

Good for you on hittin' the gym...

Kelly said...

Praying for your future - I can imagine it's very stressful trying to figure it all out. God will provide.

Rebekah said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog...and I love yours BTW. I will be praying that God will give you and your husband direction!!

MMm&m said...

Becky - It's fun to see your blog after you found mine....I think we have a lot in common. I have to admit that I'm a little jealous of yall being in Texas...we miss it! As far as the your future in the AF, I'm afraid I don't have anything to compare our time's all we've known. But I can say that it has been wonderful and you can bloom anywhere you're planted (not to be too incredibly cliche). With your previous experience I think you'd be fine. More than'd probably be an asset to the other wives anywhere you went - I know at times I need perspective from someone who's "been there and done that", and I think you'd have a chance to really minister to people. You have an excellent support system, from what I've read :) and you can count on my prayers as well. Keep me posted!

Unknown said...

I am praying for y'all as make these big decisions and job hunt. I really like being an officer's wife. Jay has only deployed once since we've been married, although I think our next duty station might be on a ship so he'll be gone a couple of times?? I can't wait to see what God has in store for you!

Lacy said...

I am praying for y'all as make these big decisions and job hunt. I really like being an officer's wife. Jay has only deployed once since we've been married, although I think our next duty station might be on a ship so he'll be gone a couple of times?? I can't wait to see what God has in store for you!

Rebekah said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog...and I love yours BTW. I will be praying that God will give you and your husband direction!!
