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April 3, 2012

Summer Time & TCU Baby

Summer Summer Summer time...

At least that's what it feels like right now. 

After an incredibly mild winter we are already in the 90's here in Texas.  I hope I survive the summer of 2012!  We are enjoying the weather right now.  Terence revamped our flower bed last weekend and it looks so purdy! 

While Terence worked on the flower bed I cleaned the inside of our house.  That's the deal in our house, he has the outside, and I have the inside....although during the winter months I think he has the better deal ;)

Terence went golfing Saturday, I wish he would do that more often.  I think it's good for his sanity to have "guy time".  Good for my sanity too.  Connor and I just hung out, played, read books and watched Toy Story 3 for the 100th time.  I found a Woody doll at Target.  It was $40.  I got the doll because I got over excited about it and the thought of excitement on his face.  When I got home I had major buyers remorse over a doll.  A doll?  I mean who spends $40 on a doll?  ME.  Who am I???

(For now we'll just watch the movie)

Not to mention Connor was underwhelmed by Woody anyway....I am taking it back to the store ASAP. 

I need to learn not to impulse buy.  Just buy what we need....not things that will only provide temporary joy.  Things are just things after all. Stuff.  And I don't need more stuff! 

My BFF Kristin at Sugar & Spice Kids Boutique made Connor the cutest TCU shirt!

So we had a little photo shoot last time because the weather was so nice :-)

Side note about pictures on blogs:
(I am a very visual person, and photos are important to me.  I love having photos and sharing them on the blog.  Some folks may think I post too many photos...but there can never be too many in my book!  I think some people need more photos on their blog.  Hello?  What is Pinterest's PICTURES!  And people LOVE pictures!  There is a difference between posting Internet or magazine type photos over life photos.  I prefer to blog my own's more interesting to me..... Obviously.  Okay enough of that!)

The littlest TCU fan :-)

 He looks so big

Hope ya'll are having a great week!

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Tristan said...

I want T-A oneof those dolls..ha..maybe for Christmas!
Maybe just put it up til Christmas?!

T-A has a little plastic one she got for Christmas from my brother and she LOVES it..I think it was around $15!

He is tooooooooo cute..

Nicolle said...

I love what you said about posting photos on your blog. I'm a very visual person and actually I don't read any blogs that are just words all the time. I love to post and share my own pictures as well. I love seeing your photos. I have actually read about people knocking those that post photos....and I don't get that at all.

Your TCU fan is so cute. I wish my little guy still had all of his curls!


leah @maritalbless said...

He is just too stinking cute! Fabulous photos Becky!

Stacy said...

So cute and great pics!!!

Lollipops & Pig Tails said...

He is too cute, love the blue eyes and curls.

LWLH said...

Love C and his new shirt and love all your pictures too.

I'm a visual person and love when people have pictures, especially real life ones, in their blog.
